revenue leak

Why RevOps teams need to take a closer look at Pipeline Velocity

Why RevOps teams need to take a closer look at Pipeline Velocity

Keep your revenue pipeline clog-free and smooth flowing What is Pipeline Velocity? Gartner defines “Pipeline velocity” as the “speed by which qualified leads move through a sales pipeline”. Just as velocity in the physical sciences tells you the distance an object has moved in time, pipeline velocity tells you the amount of revenue you stand […]

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The BigLittle Origin Story : Redefining the Future of RevOps

The BigLittle Origin Story : Redefining the Future of RevOps

Read the story behind our interesting name. TLDR: In RevOps, the big and strategic projects and the day-to-day little tasks are inherently at conflict with each other. One requires analysis at forest level (end-to-end visibility and governance) while the other requires leaf-level triage (agile detection and automation), both of which are challenging with today’s siloed

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How Lead Flow Analytics Can Help Increase Conversions To SQLs & Improve ROI

How Lead Flow Analytics Can Help Increase Conversions To SQLs & Improve ROI

Dumpster Diving for Opportunities In Your Lead Trash Bin TLDR: On average, less than 4% of leads reach SQL, many more end up in a recycle bin for future nurturing and the vast majority stagnate with no user engagement for long periods of time. Rather than exclusively look at spend on new lead gen as

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The Problems of a Multi-Layered Go-To-Market Tech Stack

The Problems of a Multi-Layered Go-To-Market Tech Stack

Insights Insights Everywhere, Not a Drop to Consume TLDR: Too many siloed tools = too many disparate insights = more noise less signal = poor business performance, frustrated ops users, ops shelfware. Integrated RevOps stack with comprehensive RevOps insights can declutter the chaos and tune your tech stack for better business performance. The go-to-market tech

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The Marketing-Sales chasm, and how RevOps can bridge the gap

The Marketing-Sales chasm, and how RevOps can bridge the gap

Marketing is from Mars, Sales is from Venus TLDR = There is a Marketing-sales chasm, it exists because of data and organizational reasons, it needs to be fixed because it impacts revenue, RevOps as a practice can bridge this chasm, BigLittle enables RevOps teams to bridge the gap. The Marketing-Sales Chasm Marketing and Sales often

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Unleashing the Strategic Potential of Revenue Operations: Escaping the Hamster Wheel

Unleashing the Strategic Potential of Revenue Operations: Escaping the Hamster Wheel

Revenue operations (RevOps) professionals are often Revenue operations (RevOps) professionals are often caught in a perpetual state of fire drills, grappling with urgent but low-value tasks and other daily challenges that hinder their ability to focus on strategic initiatives. This blog explores this RevOps dilemma and provides actionable strategies to break free from the cycle

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